Firmware unit "Vij" for vehicle (automobile) identification number (VIN) investigation.



Criminalistic investigation of automobiles with the purpose:

Extra application

General tracing studies and relief/stress defectoscopy of surface layer of ferroalloy parts.


General view of autonomous operating block.


  • Off-line operative unit for visualization upon the intermediate magnetic tape,
  • Unit for magnetic-optical and optical visualization,
  • Electrochemical etching unit,
  • Unit for magnetic powder visualization,
  • Unit for whirling-current defectoscopy,
  • Video-capture unit,
  • Secondary power pulse unit,
  • Off-line powering buttery,
  • Tools and tackles set,
  • Packing containers (case ¹1, case ¹2.)

User interface window.


    Program NUCA
    Program EYER
  • Image input and processing,
  • Semiautomatic stitching of image fragments,
  • Image handing,
  • Storing and printing.


  • Research methodic of MOV,
  • Technical description and operation instructions.


As the “Viy” set includes traditional means as well: whirling – current defectoscopy, electrochemical etching and ferro-powder patterns, accomplished with an optical input into PC by use of a remote optical head, the investigations are integrated into a system.

Hardware and software system "Vij" had been successfully tested. It is effectively used by forensic research subdivisions of the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Justice, Polish Police firms "AR-control" (Latvia) and IHG Rt. (Hungary). Applied research methods are approved and recommended for application by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Justice. Through the field tests involving over 60 automobiles, with use of magnetic-optical means, 6 instances of falsification numbers have been detected ( the illustrations of MOV used in expertise photo-tables are given below).

Magnetic-optical visualization (MOV) of 'Mercedes – Benz' 200D body number plate with fragments of the original number (WDB1241201B281577) altered twice by mechanical calking. The lacquer coating is removed, the plate has heavily corroded and has some through holes due to earlier 4 etching – method expertises.

MOV of 'VAZ 2106' body number plate with full restoring
of primary number (ÕÒÀ210630F1200607), which was altered with low-melting-point metal fusing (the lacquer coating was not removed).

MOV of 'GAZ – 24' body number plate with signs evidencing that the number elements were not produced at one time. There are also welding inclusions and traces of abrasive treatment. The lacquer coating was not removed.

For information: Leviy Sergey V., Ph.D., Ukraine, Kiev tel./fax (380-44) 236-89-84, E-mail: